ATIS letter

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The ATIS letter action shows the current ATIS information for the specified station. You can use it to:

  • See the current ATIS letter for a station
  • See the current altimeter for a station
  • Get warned if the pressure falls below 29.92 InHg as a reminder that FL180 (or FL190) is unavailable
  • Get notified when a new ATIS is published
  • Clear the new ATIS notification for a station
  • Clear the new ATIS notification for all stations


To use this action you must have vATIS running and you must be connected to VATSIM as either a controller or an observer. The action can show current the ATIS for any station in the active vATIS profile.

Basic configuration

To configure the action to show the ATIS for a specific station configure the following settings:

Setting Value Example
Title The title to show on the action, typically the name of the station. KPDX
Station The station to display. This must match the station name shown in vATIS. KPDX
ATIS type The station type. This will usually be Combined unless the ATIS is at an airport that publishes separate Arrival and Departure information. Combined

Screenshot of an ATIS letter action configuration, with the title and callsign set to KPDX and the type set to Combined.


ATIS unavailable
ATIS not published
KPDX C 3012
ATIS published
KPDX C 2990
Pressure warning
KPDX D 3012
New ATIS published
KPDX D 2990
New ATIS, pressure warning

By default the pressure displays in white. For pressure reported in InHg, if the value falls below 29.92 the value will show in red as a reminder that FL180 (or FL190, depending on the altimeter value) are unusable.


The action supports both short and long press.

Interaction Description
Short press Clears the new ATIS indication for the station.
Long press Clears the new ATIS indication for all stations.

Settings reference

Setting Description Required?
Title The title to show on the action. No
Station The name of the station you want to display status for. Yes
Type The type of the station. Yes
Current The image to display when the ATIS letter shown is current. No
Observer The image to display when the ATIS is published by a controller other than you. No
Unavailable The image to display when there is no connection to vATIS. No
Updated The image to display when the ATIS letter updated to a new one. No

The default display automatically includes the station name, ATIS letter, and altimeter. When specifying custom state images the following advanced settings can be used to display text on the action:

Setting Description Default
Show altimeter Shows the altimeter on the action. off
Show letter Shows the letter on the action. off
Show title Shows the title on the action. off
Show wind Shows the wind on the action. off

SVG template variables

All state images support SVG templates. The following variables are provided:

Variable Description
altimeter The current altimeter.
connectionStatus The current station connection status.
isConnected True if the station is connected to VATSIM.
isNewAtis True if the ATIS letter is new.
letter The current ATIS letter.
pressure A pressure object with the altimeter details.
station The station name.
title The title specified by the user.
wind The current wind.

The connectionStatus values are:

  • Connected
  • Connecting
  • Disconnected
  • Observer

The pressure object contains the following properties:

Property Description
formattedValue A formatted display of the pressure, either A2999 or Q910 for example depending on the unit.
value The value of the pressure, without a decimal point, e.g. 2999.
unit The unit for the pressure, either MercuryInch or hPa.